82% of global policy professionals say that more government regulation of AI is needed
Povaddo conducted and funded a survey of 300 public policy professionals around the world using the firm’s proprietary research panel of global opinion leaders in this first-ever survey among global public policy professionals on the topic of AI.
3 in 4 respondents say they are excited about the opportunities technology and innovation can bring to the world
Survey data from Povaddo’s research in 10 countries around the world highlights both optimism toward the possibilities offered by technology and innovation, as well as potential barriers to progress.
80% of adults in South Africa agree that illicit cigarettes weaken government efforts to reduce smoking rates
A nationwide survey conducted by Povaddo reveals that society at large acknowledges the illicit tobacco trade is a significant issue in South Africa. Negative consequences include underage usage of tobacco products and increased health risks to smokers, among others.
"When people lack information, they are more susceptible to misinformation."
Povaddo’s William Stewart sheds some light on misinformation and trust in terms of things he's seeing in public opinion data, including observations from the course of doing thousands of focus groups all over the world during his career.
80% agree that extreme tax increases can lead to an increase in illicit tobacco sales
Povaddo’s survey of general population adults across 14 European countries reveals that discontent is widespread. Most recognize that illicit tobacco is an issue, though they vastly underestimate the financial consequences.
55% of Fifth Estate users say these sources are more accessible and easier to use than traditional media
The general public is increasingly using nontraditional sources to get news and information, and this shift in media trends comes with both benefits and risks.
76% of employees say it is important for their company to provide matching funds for employee donations to nonprofits
In 2018, a Salesforce.org-commissioned survey revealed that a strong majority of Fortune 1000 employees want opportunities to make an impact at work, but most companies appear to be playing catch-up.
35% of employees say their CEO has a finger on the pulse of employee attitudes towards important societal issues
Povaddo’s survey of Fortune 1000 employees shows that a majority within corporate America believe companies need to play a more active role in addressing important societal issues, including equal opportunity in the workplace, healthcare reform, and renewable energy.